
Download Resume


Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering


Data Analyst

 Analyzed massive amounts of user data over time to provide insights about users

 Built a custom dashboard to track the data

Front Desk Staff

 Give certifications to and engage with climbers to promote an enjoyable experience

 Teach new climbers rope basics and climbing technique to advance their knowledge


 Worked closely with NASA engineers to design a full-scale mission to send a rover to investigate volatiles in the shadowed regions of the moon

 Worked as computer and instruments engineer, responsible for deciding which computer and instrument systems to acquire for the mission


 Teach by asking questions to ensure proficiency

 Encourage an interest for the subject to promote future success

Crew Member

 Managed inventory and kept the store stocked with product

 Improved customer satisfaction by recommending and locating products


Personal Website

 Designed and build a personal website using HTML and CSS, implementing multiple pages

Rotten Ratings

 Building a movie rating platform with Redwood JS, the newest React framework

Farmers Market App

 Built a multiplatform app using MAUI .NET Blazor so runs on desktop, IOS, and Android

Functional Shell

 A Unix shell able to pipe multiple commands, handle file redirection, and navigate the file system


Programming Languages

  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS

Software Tools

  • Linux
  • Vim
  • Agile
  • Maui
  • Blazor
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Selenium


  • Systems Programming
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Data Structures I, II, & III
  • Software Engineering I & II
  • Computer Architecture
  • Discrete Structures
  • Individual Software Design and Development
  • Programming Languages
  • Databases
  • User Centered Interface Design and Development

Clubs and Service

  • Security Club - Member
  • Swing Dance Club - Officer
  • Church - Small group leader in youth group
  • The Pad Climbing - Volunteered as a belayer
  • Boy Scouts of America - Patrol leader